Coming soon

Coming soon
Prompt to AI: Intuition.

This is a brand new blog I'm starting. My aim is to share all the interesting (and sometimes crazy) things I experiment. Am I right? Who knows. But I always love a good brain scratch ๐Ÿ˜

In this blog, I will write about:

  1. Nutrition - to the molecular level
  2. Emotional intelligence - having space for all the emotions and letting the heart command
  3. Intuition - with a pshychological perspective
  4. Personal organisation - flexible routines

Am I an expert in any of these topics? Getting there! I will hopefully be one sometime in the future.

Where do I get the inspiration to write about these topics? My proccess is very simple:

  1. Befriend a nerd (and by every mean, this is a compliment)
  2. Talk with them and hear about these amazing books and theories they read about
  3. Research just enough to get the gist of it
  4. Go and do it
  5. Fail or succeed, but always learn
  6. Share and keep learning!

So, I've conciously been following this process for four years now, and I've gotten to places. I will share more in future blog posts.

I have more plans for my brand Organica; this is just the first step :)

I will love to share my journey with you. I will also love to read your comments in my posts, so...

Read you soon!